Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Today we really did goof off.

We lounged around all morning and drove around a little this afternoon. We stopped at a grocery store to get some more supplies and made an interesting observation: there are virtually no young people here - this really is a retirement community. Walking around among all the old folks really made us feel young and spry.

We also stopped at an Arizona tourism office to pick up maps and brochures of places we want to visit and to discover other places we don't know about. Just about every brochure mentions the Verde Valley Wine Trail which includes 9 or 10 wineries (depending on how you count all the vineyards and tasting rooms). Check them out! Also abundant are brochures for senior assisted living centers - this seems to be a big business around here.

We will probably be more motivated to move tomorrow now that we have a few hikes planned - we'll see.

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