Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! We celebrated the day by staying close to the trailer and puttering. This morning we bought corned beef (because we knew it would be on sale). It was low fat and low sodium so we thought we would give it a try.

This morning we also purchased de-flappers for our awning because occasionally we get a good breeze like we did last night. They seem to work great! We no longer worry about a strong breeze destroying our awning.

De-Flapper RV Awning Clamp by Camco

Sharon slaved all afternoon cooking the corned beef in our "outdoor kitchen". The built in cook top is the black object to Sharon's upper left. The stuff on the table is Rick's tool bag supporting today's puttering. In addition to cooking corned beef Sharon multitasked reading a book on her Kindle and tanning her feet (plus relaxing).

Another spectacular dinner. After simmering the corned beef for 3+ hours we crisped the fatty side on the BBQ - it was delicious! (But we could tell that it was low sodium and low fat.)

When it is hot (today's high was 79) Abby likes to relax under the trailer in the shade. The only problem with that is there are millions of tiny "soft" burrs that she collects whenever she lays down outside.

At least twice a day she is de-burred and really loves it. All the combing also makes her the most gorgeous dog in the campground.

Abby just heard a vehicle pull in next door. They have a 1.5 year old golden retriever named Jacob that she is hoping to greet. They are an older couple (as old as we are) and we saw them yesterday beside the highway selling pinion nuts, buffalo/elk/beef jerky, and chocolate. We don't know if they need the money or are just looking for something to do. We think we will check out the elk jerky.

Last night we heard coyotes. Much much closed than we have ever heard at the cabin. Today we enjoyed watching bright red cardinals, kayaks and rafts in the river just below us, and buzzards circling high in the sky. Abby preferred to watch the little lizards skittering about.

Life is good!

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