Sunday, March 3, 2013

Chapter 2: A.D. 2013

We departed Pocatello on Sunday, February 24th, beginning a two month + trip to sunny Arizona. The day before we left Poky a significant snow storm/blizzard hit as we were loading the trailer (that's Nick and Marie's new house in the background).

But Sunday was sunny and beautiful so we drove to Salt Lake City to spend a few days with Shirley. We left SLC on Wednesday the 27th and drove to Kanab, Utah. Because it was well below freezing in Poky and SLC we had left the trailer "winterized" with RV antifreeze in the water system. Our first task in Kanab was to "summerize" the water system; but as we began flushing the antifreeze out of the system our microbial water filter exploded and water filled the cabinets under the kitchen sink and flooded the trailer floor. 

Once we mopped up the water we headed to a local hardware store to find parts to cap off the line to the water filter. After a couple of tries we were successful so we no longer have filtered water but we can shower, wash, flush, etc. without a problem. We will deal with the filter at a later time when we are looking for something to keep us busy.

So the first day in Kanab was hectic and stressful but, fortunately, we had reserved our spot at the Crazy Horse RV Park for two nights. 

We relaxed on Thursday and did a few errands. One stop of interest was at the BLM office and headquarters for the Grand Staircase National Monument. They had exhibits about the archaeology and geology of the monument and to Rick's surprise they displayed drawings and spear point types that he had published over 35 years ago. We guess that knowledge about the regional archaeology hasn't advanced much since then. But the highlight of the day was dinner at the Rocking V Cafe where we both had filet mignon on a bed of fresh spinach and mashed potatoes with a dark ale demi glace and crispy onions on top; and a couple of glasses of wine. 

We had heard back in Pocatello that the food at the Rocking V is great - which is the absolute truth, and if you have time for a laugh check out their web site at

We left Kanab on Friday, March 1, heading for our destination of Cottonwood, Arizona. The drive was long because the main highway in northern Arizona had collapsed so we were diverted on a lengthy detour through the Navajo Reservation. But we arrived in sunny and warm Cottonwood around 4:30 in the afternoon and pulled into our reserved spot at the Rio Verde RV Park. On Saturday we put on our shorts and tevas and puttered around the trailer getting it cleaned up and somewhat organized. We also did some grocery shopping, etc., to fill up our pantry. It was sunny and 75 degrees in the afternoon so our goal of escaping the cold winter weather was realized. We are now settled with only a few additional organizational tasks to accomplish before we can genuinely relax and goof off (although we pretty much started that today - finally).

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