Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today was supposed to be a scorcher (high predicted to be 84) so we didn't plan anything strenuous. We dodged a bullet because our outside thermometer only reached 83 degrees - whew! But we accomplished a few tasks in the vicinity of our trailer (such as refilling a prescription, etc.). We did tackle one critical task - replacing the bungee cord on our Lafuma lounge chairs (which we use daily).

We knew this was inevitable so last week we ordered from a hundred-foot roll of quarter inch green bungee cord. The roll was a fraction of the cost of the official Lafuma replacement kits; and the quarter inch is larger than the original cord so it should last a really long time. Hank and Shirley bought the chairs for us 15 - 20 years ago and we have consistently used them ever since while at the cabin, camping, or traveling in our trailer.

Rick sat outside in the shade this afternoon and strung the new cord so the chairs should last us the next 15 - 20 years. We used less than half the roll so if anyone needs quarter inch bungee cord let us know.

We have baby back ribs slow cooking on the BBQ for dinner; and last night we BBQd fresh salmon - just the latest two examples of a continuous sequence of great meals. Retirement is wonderful and we are grateful that we can take advantage of it in the way we are.

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