Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yesterday we drove up to Sedona, a ritzy destination resort community of shops, galleries, eateries, and retirement homes located at the base of red-rock cliffs (the photo below is one of their promotional images - not ours).

Oak Creek Canyon connects Sedona with Flagstaff and the canyon road provides spectacular views of the red rock.

Although the town and area is beautiful it is far too touristy and glitzy for us - we are liking our quirky little RV park in Cottonwood more and more.

After leaving Sedona we diverted along a secondary road and visited the Javelina Leap Winyard tasting room outside of Cornville, AZ. We sampled several young wines (they don't have any aged wines left) and bought a couple of bottles of their Rock Slide, a cabernet/merlot blend. It, too, is too young to drink now but tastes like it will be really good after aging a while.

There are two other wineries in the immediate area but we didn't stop - we picked the Javelina Winery over the others because Sharon has become fascinated with javelinas (wild peccaries native to the SW).

Abby is also fascinated.

We devoted the afternoon to laundry and getting some prescriptions refilled.

Today we are going to explore Old Town Cottonwood which has three wine tasting rooms - plus we plan to revisit the archaeological site on the RV park propterty.

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