Thursday, March 8, 2012

Please excuse our delayed post - the wifi wasn't working at the RV park we stayed at last night - so we will catch up now.

Tuesday afternoon and evening we spent with Sharon's high school friend Linda at her home. We caught up on details about our families and had a wonderful dinner of halibut that her husband, David, caught on his last fishing trip to Alaska (he was out of town helping a family member move households).

On Wednesday we packed up and drove to Abilene, Texas. It was very windy so we dodged and weaved our way along the interstate but made it comfortably by mid afternoon. We stayed at the Abilene KOA which is in an old pecan orchard. It is a nice, older park but as mentioned above, the wifi wasn't working so we couldn't update our blog. Wednesday night never cooled off - it was hot and humid. Then a cold front hit in this morning as we began driving toward today's destination. As we drove through Odessa today (where our Tahoe was repaired on our way to Dallas) it was 39 degrees at 1:30 this afternoon (but a week ago it was in the low 80s).

Today we drove from Abilene to White's City, New Mexico, which is the small town at the entrance to Carlsbad Caverns National Park. We thought it was windy yesterday but today topped all previous days. It was also raining off and on so the pavement was wet (and it turns out slippery enough for us to slide sideways in a few of the extremely strong gusts - scary!). So today we crept along the interstate at minimum speed and it took a lot longer to get here than in better weather. But we made it. Another interesting phenomenon today was our GPS kept blanking out. We learned this morning on the news that solar flares are at an 11 year high and we should expect electronics like GPSs to have problems. The strength of the flares is confirmed on the news this afternoon so that probably explains our issues.

We plan to tour Carlsbad Caverns tomorrow and will take pictures so please check back then. The wifi here in White's City is very good with a nice strong signal so we should be able to keep up with the blog.

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