Saturday, March 3, 2012

We left Odessa yesterday about 10 a.m. and arrived in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area around 4 in the afternoon - just in time for rush hour(s). But our GPS easily navigated us to the Dallas/Arlington KOA where we settled in for the next several days. The weather here is beautiful - about 70 degrees, 50% humidity and no wind!!!!

Thankfully the drive was uneventful and we were pleasantly surprised how the environment (and our attitudes) improved as we approached central Texas. West Texas, as we have stated before, is a filthy dust bowl - garbage everywhere and nobody seems to care (as illustrated in the following typical highway scene).

However, once we approached the Abilene area the terrain began to slowly change (and we saw the first sign announcing that it is illegal to litter). Wooded hills replaced dusty flats, and the streams and ponds actually had water in them. The grass turned green and animals were grazing in well kept ranches. Plus - there was virtually no litter!

Today we plan to head over to our niece Shelley's home and spend the afternoon and evening with her and her family. That way we can spend some real quality time with them over the weekend. We plan to spend Tuesday with Sharon's high-school best friend Linda. Then we will probably depart the area on Wednesday and head back to New Mexico where we plan to tour Carlsbad Caverns. Then off to the Santa Fe area and points beyond. We will keep you posted.

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