Sunday, March 25, 2012

Today we didn't do much of anything - just hung around the trailer and enjoyed the mild temperatures.

The only thing we did that took us off our camping spot was a hike up to the "Indian ruins" on the park property (Sharon and Abby are standing in one of the rectangular rooms of the "ruins").

We discovered that the small pueblo room block we spotted yesterday probably had 10 or more rooms and it looks like folks have been digging around in them for years (Sharon and Abby are standing in the midst of the collapsed wall rubble of many rectangular rooms).

There are massive amounts of pottery strewn everywhere - plus numerous obsidian and chert flakes, the waste material from making stone tools (Sharon's shoe is for scale).

It looks like this is a small room block peripheral to the main part of the site located on top of the ridge above (just like occurs at Tuzigoot with one small group of rooms near the base of the ridge and the rest on top). We saw an historic photo while at the Tuzigoot visitor center taken before the excavations in the early 1930s and it looks exactly like the top of this ridge - mounded with stone rubble just the right size for wall construction and massive amounts of pottery scattered below (plus we could see a geometric pattern possibly suggesting two different levels of rooms).

We didn't explore the ridge top because it is not on the RV park property and there are "no trespassing" signs on a fence so we obliged. However, back at the trailer we got onto Google Earth and explored the ridge top - it looks like one very small portion of the top has been excavated (possibly by looters) revealing five contiguous rooms (on the Google image below the small room block that we explored and pictured above is just off the lower left corner, and the picture of the ridge top immediately above was taken from just off the bottom of the image). There has to be a lot more rooms up there to have produced the tens of thousands of pot sherds we observed scattered below.

Tomorrow is another day. We have talked about going to Jerome to visit the winery, but nothing is decided yet. We still have several cliff dwellings to visit and a few other attractions so we will keep as busy as we want (or as "unbusy" as we want).

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