Tuesday, February 14, 2012

We woke up this morning under a blanket of snow. By the time we went outside with a camera (~10 a.m.) most of the snow had melted in the valley.
(our trailer at the Zion River Resort - Virgin River on the right)
We thought that it would be fun to drive up into the snow and get some photos of snow on redrocks. However, after starting up the Kolob Terrace Road we turned back because of road closure. Then we drove up to the north entrance of Zion NP (Kolob Canyon) but we were also turned back because of road closure. So we went back up the Virgin River Road (where we were yesterday) and had a nice afternoon walking and viewing beautiful sights. We took a long walk along the Pa'arus Trail (the only dog-friendly trail in the park) and took several pictures.
(Sharon and Abby on the Pa'arus Trail)
After the walk, we drove around and found some beautiful views of snow on redrock.
(waterfall emerging from the rocks)
(White Throne and the Virgin River)
We are spending one more day here at the Zion River Resort but we have no idea what we will do tomorrow - perhaps nothing (still hard to appreciate that - we just haven't gotten used to not being in a hurry to do as much as possible). Maybe we will try Kolob Canyon again; but maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to see. That is where Sheryl and I honeymooned in March 1977. We did a hike to Calf Creek Falls, and yes it was way too cold for a swim.
