Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We didn't do much today. We called the Kolob Canyons visitor center this morning and they said that the road was still closed because of heavy snow so we drove to St. George to see what the city was like (not having been there for several decades). It is a huge retirement center and it appears that this is where some go to die (insensitive, we know, but this was our impression). We did visit the first Mormon temple built in what is now the state of Utah. It really looks like a Greek Orthodox church, not the contemporary spired buildings of nowadays.

So we didn't do anything of interest today but Sharon took some nice pictures yesterday in Zion NP (shown below):
(the dark spot is a portal in the tunnel that burrows through the mountain,
the tunnel was a WPA/CCC project during the Great Depression)

(driving through the tunnel by the portal shown above)

(looking out of the portal at the cliff across the canyon)

The tunnel is about a mile long and it was interesting to have a few portals to see outside.

Sharon also took a picture of the cliff waterfall that is better than the one I shared yesterday.
We are headed to Kingman, Arizona tomorrow so check back tomorrow night and we will have more info about our journey.

1 comment:

  1. You went south to escape the snow, but it looks like you ran into it rather than away from it! Looks like you are having fun regardless. Great photos!
