Saturday, February 25, 2012

We left Benson, Arizona this morning around 10:30 heading east to Las Cruces, New Mexico. We pulled into a rest stop at Lordsburg, New Mexico, for a lunch break and looked at our maps. We had talked about visiting the Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument as a day trip from Las Cruces, but while looking at the maps we realized that we would need to backtrack. So we changed our plans, called the Las Cruces RV park and changed our reservations, called the Silver City KOA to make reservations, and drove to Silver City.

(Our trailer at the Silver City KOA RV park)
This afternoon we drove around the historic Silver City (where Billy the Kid lived as a young teenager and was arrested for robbing a Chinese laundry - he escaped from jail through the chimney). We also drove through Western New Mexico University and hope to visit their museum on Monday morning before we leave because they have the largest permanent display of the beautiful Mimbres pottery (8th to 12th century AD). We'll see how much energy we actually have.

We plan to spend tomorrow at the cliff dwellings so we should have many interesting photos and observations to post.

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