Sunday, February 19, 2012

We arrived in Tempe about 3 yesterday afternoon (Saturday) and checked into the Apache Palms RV Park. The RVs are packed in pretty tightly but we have an adequate patio space for the BBQ and our lounge chairs. The weather is beautiful - right now (Sunday 4:30 p.m.) the temperature is 70 degrees and humidity 29%.

We didn't do anything last night - we were both tired, and we are learning that driving with the trailer in city traffic is the most tiring part of RV travel. Today we lounged around all morning and then drove to Casa Grande Ruins National Monument about 35 miles south of Tempe.
(Abby and Rick in front of saguaro cacti
and ocotillo)
The ruins are fascinating and the exhibits are excellent. The site was built and occupied by the Hohokam between AD. 1350 and 1450 and contains one of the largest Prehispanic Native American structures in North America.

It also has a ball court - somewhat different shape than the related Mesoamerican courts of Mexico and Guatemala but it probably hosted similar games.

One of the more interesting things we did today was go to a grocery store that caters to Hispanics. More chilies and spices and (semi)prepared Mexican food than we have ever seen. And the prices! We purchased a couple of heads of lettuce, some avocados and several other vegies for a big salad tonight and the total came to $3.31! But the gas is expensive here at $3.59 or more per gallon.

There is another group of Hohokam ruins nearby which we will probably visit tomorrow. The primary reason we came to Tempe was to visit our niece Stacey who returns from her current journey in Mexico tomorrow afternoon. So we will probably see her and family in the evening (or at least Tuesday and Wednesday). Then we head further south and east for our trip across New Mexico toward Texas.

1 comment:

  1. I wondered what you guys were up to these days! A grand adventure, for sure. Looking forward to following your progress, so keep on blogging!
