Saturday, April 7, 2012

This morning we sought out a Forest Service trail outside of Bryce Canyon so we could take Abby for a hike unleashed. Following the suggestion of a forest ranger we hiked in Red Canyon along Pink Ledges and Hoodoo trails.

Hoodoos everywhere! According to forest service literature hoodoos are "columns, pinnacles or pillars of rock that have variable thickness and a totem pole shaped appearance."

We had a great time enjoying the scenery and fresh air (not as cold as yesterday but still chilly and breezy).

We returned to the trailer for some lunch and then headed into Bryce Canyon National Park to the only trail that is dog friendly.

Some beautiful sights but Abby gets impatient when we stop and gawk because she is tethered to us.

After that we headed back out of the park and into forest land to Pine Lake. We saw a 1930s photo of Rubin "Ruby" Syrett (the guy who developed his homestead into the current massive resort in which we are staying) on horseback at Pine Lake. Sharon saw a highway sign that pointed the direction so we followed it. We drove through some mud and melting snow but were rewarded with some beautiful views. And Abby got to run untethered!

When we returned to our trailer Sharon had a phone message from Chris. Apparently Kristen just landed a job and starts the same day as Chris's new job! Congratulations - a new chapter in their lives!

Tomorrow morning we pack up and head for Salt Lake, then off to Pocatello. It is hard to imagine that we have been on the road for almost two months. Time does fly by when your having fun!

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