Friday, April 6, 2012

As planned, we toured Bryce Canyon National Park today. The sky was crystal clear but it was windy and cold (mid to upper 30s) so the breeze had a real bite to it. We visited several overlooks and did one short hike up to an overlook (all at 8500' to 9200' elevation) and saw some of the most complex and intricate landscape we have ever seen. In the words of Ebeneezer Bryce who homesteaded directly below the cliffs "it's a hell of a place to lose a cow." Remember you can click on the first picture and view them all full screen.

We both agree that Bryce is more interesting and enjoyable than the Grand Canyon, both because the various viewpoints overlook different scenery (at the Grand Canyon they all viewed the same scenery - just from slightly different angles so it got boring) and because we didn't have to fight the crowds to get a glimpse.

Tomorrow we are going to take a hike on a longer trail where dogs are allowed so stay tuned for more pics.

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