Monday, April 28, 2014

We have been very busy since our last blog post. This weekend we made an offer on the house we like, and after a few rounds of counter offers we settled on a price and signed the papers yesterday afternoon (Sunday). Our two realtors, Carolyn and Audra, have been fantastic and were available all weekend for the process. Although it’s been tiring, it has also been exciting, exhilarating and fun. After we signed the final offer we drove by the house and took the following pictures of the front of the house.

Gravel and cactus are us!

This morning has been hectic – talking with our credit union back in Pocatello, visiting a title company for some more paper work, talking with the home owners association to get copies of covenants and other important documents, and another visit to our realtors for some tweaking of our offer (after talking with the credit union we made a minor adjustment in some of the terms of the agreement). More fun and excitement.

When we first visited the house last Friday we took a few other pictures of the inside and the backyard.
Sharon in the kitchen.

Living room.

Southeast corner of the backyard from the small patio.

Small back patio from the southeast corner of the yard.

And more photos can be viewed on the internet through the several real estate web sites. This link is for

Photos of the swimming pool and other facilities at Cottonwood Ranch can be viewed on their web site at this link.

We are trying to get everything down here done before we are scheduled to leave on Wednesday, May 7; and everyone we have worked with is trying hard to make that happen. We’ll see. Fortunately, before we left Idaho we purchased a small portable printer/scanner/copier so we receive documents via email, print them out, sign them, scan them and send them back. We have been printing so many pages that we had to make an emergency run this morning to Office Max for another ream of paper. Tomorrow we have a home inspector coming at noon so we’ll see how that goes. An appraiser hasn’t been scheduled yet but we don’t need to be there when that happens. Hopefully there won’t be any sucker punches or curve balls through this process but there always are so we’ll deal with them as they happen.


  1. I am very excited about your purchase! The outside of the house reminds me eerily of our first home in Tempe, AZ. Sometimes I miss that house :o). Here's hoping you will have lots of wonderful memories in your new home in the Verde Valley!

  2. I'm so thrilled for you both!!!!! Very exciting! I'm glad that you'll be closer to Stacey and family so you can see her/them more often. I'm sure we'll get down there maybe next winter to visit. Want to hear all the news when you get back to Poky!
