Thursday, March 6, 2014

The last couple of days have been filled with relaxation and goofing off. Sharon has pulled out her paints and has been creative painting a couple of cards for granddaughters Kailyn and Keira and images of a light house on Lake Havasu and other interesting sights we have seen.

Today we mucked out the trailer, washed the Yukon, and started packing up in preparation to travel to Palm Desert, CA, tomorrow. It is now 4:00 in the afternoon and it is 87 degrees outside - the historic average temp for today is 74 which would be more pleasant. While we were walking this morning at 70 degrees Rick commented that it felt nice and cool - we must be getting acclimatized. We'll wait until this evening to drop the sun screen and awning shading the sunny side of our trailer and our small patio area. Another afternoon with air conditioning.

So we don't make a mess in our nice clean trailer we are going out to dinner at the Black Pearl Restaurant here at the RV park. Tonight their special is all-you-can-eat fish and chips so that is probably what we will have. Tomorrow night we are having dinner with our good friends (and Pinehaven snowbirds) Bill and Nancy Goodman in Palm Desert. We are looking forward to visiting them and seeing the sights in an area we have never visited. We will be there a week and then we head for the Phoenix area (with a stop at Gila Bend for a week) to visit family and acquaintances for a week. Then off to our favorite spot: Cottonwood, AZ, until mid May.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick and Sharon,
    Love seeing your pictures and reading about your journeys.
    All is well in Utah!
    C, C, C & JC `:o)
