Saturday, February 15, 2014

Today is another scorcher - it's not even 1:00 pm yet and it's already 82 degrees but we did spend a few hours wandering around this morning. There is a Swap Meet every Saturday in the adjacent county park so the three of us strolled over there to see what they were swapping and selling. The usual stuff: jewelry, t-shirts, patio sculptures, etc., plus some really neat small hand tools. Too bad we already have everything we need so we didn't buy anything.

In the picture it doesn't look like there were many people but later, closer to noon, it was really packed.

We also walked around the county park grounds remembering this time to take some pictures. On the other side of the river, the California side, is another RV park.

Plus a rather suggestive rock formation on the horizon.

Looking back toward the RV park we see the Black Pearl Restaurant and a dock. We plan to have dinner there tonight to celebrate Valentine's Day and Rick's birthday (tonight their special is prime rib).

This lagoon separates the county park from the Pirates Den RV Park. It is normally full of docks but they were temporarily removed for a kids' fishing day last week. The mouth of the lagoon is netted off and hundreds of rainbow trout were planted. There are still many
trout feeding on the surface and fishing is open to anyone now. The back of the Black Pearl Restaurant and the Thirsty Pirate Bar is visible on the right.

Just to the right (up-river) of the restaurant and bar is the beach where Abby will have lots of swim time over the many hot days to come. We couldn't find any sticks laying around so she didn't have a swim this time. We'll go prepared next time.

Working our way back to our trailer we wandered through the high-rent district packed with super expensive Class A motor homes. Each of the beach areas to the left is for the adjoining RV spot only and is not open to the rest of us (although we can use the sidewalk). None of these spots were available when we made our reservations and apparently they all get reserved months in advance. Maybe next year.

We finished the morning off with some delicious pulled-pork sandwiches from a BBQ vendor at the swap meet, plus a cold beer. Don't know if we will do anything this afternoon other than watch some Olympics and read a novel. Ahhhh - it's wonderful to be retired!

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