Saturday, January 25, 2014

Welcome back to Rick and Sharon's Big Adventure!

A frosty January sunrise over the Henry's Fork
 from our riverside windows
It's winter here on the Henry's Fork - temperatures at night are consistently below zero and during the afternoon it is often just above freezing.

A typical sunny afternoon on the Henry's Fork
from our north deck
Despite the beautiful afternoon weather, the cold temperatures keep us more inside and inactive than we like. Therefore, we are gearing up for this winter's Big Adventure. We plan to leave Idaho the morning after the Superbowl (Go Broncos!!!) and head for warmer climates. After a two-day stop to visit Grandma Great in SLC we will work our way to Arizona. After roaming the Southwest for a couple of months we plan to return to our favorite spot, the Verde Valley. During the process, we will be visiting many areas that neither of us have been before so regularly check in on this blog to see what we are discovering and experiencing.